A hard fought game ends in heartbreak for the The Storming Ironhides. The game was a see saw match
for the first two halves with the Dysfunction scoring rapid touchdowns, and the Dwarves grinding
towards tying scores. The bearded ones grinding tactics did wreak havoc with the lizards roster,
but allowed their hard gained numerical superiority to evaporate through complacency during the O.T.
Score=2-3(L). Gate=55k. Winnings 120k. Cas6-1, kills1-0. Cards=Extra Training, Sorry (not
played), and The Big Match. Bolgar Brewaxe will miss the next game. +1Fan Factor. #7Vix Stormbrow
gains a +1 MV, and after producing 3 casualties in one game #14 gains Mighty Blow. The Ironhides
also procured the skills of Grim Ironjaw.
After an all night drinking binge, the maniacally grinning head coach of The Storming Ironhides
(supporting and being supported by a bleary eyed Grim Ironjaw)proclaimed. "Fear the Short and
Hairy!!! Bwaaahaaahaaahaaaaaaa!!!!" |