Champs Stun Hawks in First Round Upset

(Lorien Tattler - CPI)

The Fadark Champions continued their Giant killer ways by defeating the League leading 

Moonfire Starhawks in the opening round of the Dungeonbowl tourney.88,000 elf fans were on 
hand,  split evenly between high and wood elf brethren.Winning the toss the Champs elected to 
receive. The 'Hawks exploded off the ball with a Blitz to slow the drive and eliminate the 1 turn 
score, as ace Catcher Spiffy was badly hurt and removed from the game.The boys from Fadark 
regrouped and punched the ball into the EZ the old fashioned way. The Hawks responded with an easy 

score of their own and it looked like a typical elf barnburner.  Oddly enough that wasn't the case. 

Strong High Elf defense and the Woodelf Wizard kept the score tied at half.

The second half began with Kelhoffer's Magic foot putting the ball right next to Deeproot.  
Insensed High Elf Fans stormed the pitch knocking around 5 woodelfs, including Deeproot 
and the Champions' only Wardancer.  Things were looking grim for the woodies with 
only 6 players left on the pitch.  Then a miraculous thing happened.A high elf Blitzer slipped 
on what looked like a banana peel and the woodelves had the ball!  They caged up with all available 

players, trying to delay the inevitable turnover. Eventually the Highelf Sorceror took down one 

Catcher ballcarrier, but the ball bounced right to Swifty!.  When he was pushed OB, the ball 

bounced all the way to the Starhawk Endzone.Still, with only 4 Champions on the field, one of 
which was Deeproot (who hadn't managed to stand up from the Pitch Invasion), it appeared that 
they'd be lucky to force OT.

The Hawks spent several turns getting the ball into scoring position, but when the time 
came, a Lion Warrior flubbed it and the ball bounced free.  In comes a line-elf, 1-die blocks the 
catcher on his butt, scoops up the ball in a TZ, dodges, hands off to Bob Aintagonnamove, 

and he was off to the races. Unfortunately, he stumbled on his second go-for-it, stunning 

himself.  The flatfooted Highelfs couldn't get to the ball.  The Woodelf coach made the call of the 

game and had the apothecary put the salts under the Stunned Catcher's nose and he got up, rolled 
away, picked up the open ball, and scampered in for the last second score.Woodies Win! 

Roster Moves:
  Bailed out Thranduil who had been put in the slammer on trumped up charges (-50K).

Injury Report:
#5  Line-elf  - Serious Concussion (-1AV)
#12 Wardancer  Falicus - Fractured Leg

Commentary from da Coach:Like what often happens when scoring teams meet, instead 
of being 5-4, it turns out to be a 2-1 slugfest.  Layne managed to be the one who rolled the 

snake-eyes with the game on the line.