(Lorien Tattler - CPI)
In the biggest upset of the young Dungeonbowl season, the lowly Fadark Champions put
on an offensive display and defeating the hitherfore undefeated Rainbow Brights 5-2.
Woodelf uber-catcher Swifty Studmuffin personally tacked on three, pushing his season total
to 10.
The Chaos Dwarfs won the toss and started with the whacking.Their Minotaur Blocker was
overamped coming out of the tunnel.Early on he oft times went wild which seriously
disrupting the big-hatted game plan. Handsome and powerful Woodelf catchers scooped
up several loose balls converting 2 defensive TD's.The 'Brights finally put together a
scoring drive and looked to be in great shape with half the Elf roster taking a siesta with KO's
and Badly Hurt players (including Swifty). Suddenly, just before half, the Woodelf Apothecary
pulls a Magic Sponge out of the bucket and single-handedly puts the team back on the field.
Swifty scores in 1 turn and puts the Champions up 3-1 at half.
The second half started slowly as the woodelfs had unexpected trouble getting their first
drive going. Poor blocking put them in seriously bad shape giving the Chaos Dwarfs an
opening. However they were unable to capitalize and the Champs bounced right back. They
scored on on turn three when the Minotaur Blocker, called an audible for himself rather than
stopping the ball. The Bright coach was visible upset, throwing his colossal helmet to the
ground, killing several fans, and impaling a grog vender on the pointy spike.
Finally - late in the game the Bright ground game got cranking and overwhelmed the noble
elf squad, but it was too late to be of any help. They were able to please the home fans by
getting their Sneaky Git into the endzone for a respectable 2nd score. Swifty antagonized
these fans though, by countering with yet another score to close out the game.
Roster Moves:
Hired Catcher #2
Injury Report:
Commentary from da Coach:Wild game as it was Elf ball at it's best, Hobgoblins kept
dropping the ball. Three good cards, Flu Bug, Stiletto, & Magic Sponge - The Cdwarf coach
was crestfallen when ol' #15 came right back onto the pitch! It pretty much made the