Week 7, hey its week 7.

"I musta et something that Morg threw up" - Star Troll Basher, on his momentary absence from the 
goblin bench. 

Roster Moves: FF+1
none. Injury Report: none. Commentary from da Coach: This is my sesaon to see that same cards every week. This week Basher had the Petty Spite but he only missed one turn. Jake also had the Big Match which I saw last week as well. This game started out by looking REAL bad. Goblins were evaporating, and I missed a handoff. Basher was KO'd on a Spike. So I was down to about 5 guys on the pitch, and all my pogo needed to do was dodge for a score. He failed and Jake was jetting down the field with his Block/Dodge/Standfirm blitzer in control of the ball. Then I hit him with a Lurve Potion and the crowd killed him! Morg casualtied a Troll slayer, and I got the ball back. The pogo scored, and we went up. Morg niggled Grim on my first turn. My bommer injured the remaining troll slayer at the end of the same turn. We danced around for the rest of the half, with me stopping the drive with a chainsaw blitz. My other cards were Blitzkrieg and Bribed Ref.