Nay! It be a dwarf!
Why, it's an entire team of dwarfs! And they're comin' this way. Get 'em Lads!
Game featured a grim outlook with the shorties summoning a flying fist to speed a first-half TD.
Fortunately, the fleet paws of the gutter-runners made short work of a long field and tied the score
before time expired.
Second half featured my team takin' a beatin', but snaking the ball through the line and staying out
of dwarf range until nary a turn remained for a dwarf comeback.
Here be an accountin' of the results:
gained 70,000 gold
won ourselves the adoration of many ladyfolk, resulting in +1 Fan Factor.
"You there" suffered a niggling injury, but was miraculously healed thanks to the expert efforts of
our ship's surgeon and apothecary. No other lasting injuries.
Team MVP went to Samual 'Anchor' Dungburgle, who promptly learned how to blow as mightily as the
southern winds in wintertime.
Touchdowns scored and skills gained by Richard 'Grapeshot' Crookclaw, who sprouted a fresh pair of
Long Legs, thus amplifying his already prodigious speed, and by Trevor 'Keelhauler' Mangefur, who
elected to familiarize himself on the pedestrian, but highly useful, art of Blocking.