Box Score
Score | Casualties | Kills |
5-1 | 5-1 | 1-0 |
Roster Moves:
#1 Witchelf gained +1 ST
#6 Lineelf learned Block
#11 Lineelf learned Block
#13 Witchelf learned Block
#9 Blitzer
Injury Report:
Commentary from da Coach: Cards were cancelled when I exchanged Peaked for his
Blitzkrieg (we both rolled ones). Fortunately that was one of the few ones I rolled,
whereas Cory was skulling it up all over. The dice loved me all nite, allowing me to whore up two
rookie Witchelfs to a skill and two other lineelfs as well. I'm not sure when I wrote "Game Over"
in my notebook but by halftime it was certainly written in there.