Flu bug took out half our black orcs an' a lineorc. Didn't matter, though. We crushed Griffy on
the goal line to run back. Then we hit, and we hit, then we hit some more! Won da game, but wot's
dis? Only one casualty? Curse dem resiliant humies!
After da game, dis big Ogre-y lookin' fella comes up and asks us why it wasn't him what we didn't
reckognize as havin' talent from last game. I tol' him that 'cuz about five different fans had a
chance to throw the ball on the last play, we just took the most orc lookin' one uv 'em. So he sez
he'll still sign wit' us, but he wants da gold. I sez fine. We got ourselfs a rookie ogre.
Won 60,000 gold
Special Offer gave us a new rookie Ogre blocker
+0 FF
Blitzer learns Stand Firm skill, earns name of Raw Strikehand.