Nuns climb out of the Dungeon.

Score 2-0  Win  against the Human scourge.
Roster Moves:
  • FF +1
  • Bishop becomes Dauntless
  • Anksius learns to Block
  • Ignatius learns to Guard
  • Injury Report:
  • Nun!
  • Commentary from da Coach: Held a 4-2 card advantage, but his were better Flu Bug & Bankruptcy!. My cards were Big Match >:| , Extra Training, Rakarth's Obliteration, and a Bribed Ref, which was really the only card that did any good, as I used it to remove his assassin via a foul. The humans flubbed a Pass in the opening half that I was able to turn into a score. The second half was a struggle as I kept missing 3+ re-rolls, but I was able to eventually break free.